I felt that I got wimpier as I got older. I went to see my acupuncturist today for my ankle. I am not sure if I sprained it worse this time or I was more brave back then. It felt so much more painful. Last time when I hurt myself, I felt that I could bear the pain more. She was rubbing hard on my nerves and I could still take it. My friends who went with me were the ones screaming. But this time, when she rubbed on my skin, I have to control myself not to kick her and not to move away my legs. She could see that I can't take the pain much and used needles instead. Even with needles, I would stop her to press any further when I felt slightest sore. I remembered last time I was fearless. I didn't feel much about seeing needle pinching my skin. This time, I really wanted to move away my foot when I saw her needle coming close. I am not sure if my skin got more sensitive. Or old people are more sensitive to pain. Or it is just very very bad injury. And this time takes quite awhile to heal too. No wonder old people avoid any injury cause it takes forever to heal.
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