Several observations I made during my days of handicap (though it is still not over yet). Handicap parking is there for a reason. And I really really hate those people take advantage of those parking.

When you can't walk, you really want to shorten the distance from your parking spot and the store. That tiny extra distance which we usually think it is nothing is a huge difference when you can't walk. I was going to pick up some food from a restaurant the other day. But I can't find a closed enough parking so I went to another place instead. A second thing I notice is I was extremely sensitive to people's staring. I feel irritated at people looking at me when I am limping. I once went into a restaurant and that guy was staring at my foot the whole way I limped to the end. I got so frustrated with him. The other day, a guy was walking behind me and when he passed me, he turned back and looked at me. Urgh! Have people never seen people limping before?!

Hello? Sprained ankle is not that uncommon. What ticked me off most is some people I don't know well when saw me limping around the office and shook their head and chuckled. It is not like they showing sympathy or asking what happen. They just chuckled??!! Urgh! We are kindergarten or something? How funny is that?! My first day crawling around my house made me found this whole situation not funny at all.

Last, I found that all the guys I met thru this incident are not bad looking.

The guy who collided with me, the receptionist and the doctor in the clinic, the xray technician, they are all not bad looking. Nope. I don't have any name or number. But at least I know there are cute guys on campus. They just don't walk by my window. Aiiii....
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