Thursday, February 14, 2008

The Scariest V-Day

Tonight, while everyone is out celebrating (or forced to celebrate) Valentine's Day, I was freaking out with several friends cause we couldn't get a hold of one of our friends for couple days now. She hasn't been very responsive to any of our email and phone calls and text messages. But she has been in contact with one of the friends. But now not even that friend can get a hold of her. And last thing we heard was she was sick and that was 4 days ago. Her family didn't know where she was. So my friend and I decided to go to her place. I went there earlier and knocked for a good 10 minute but no one answered. We figured we would try again. At least may be we can get a hold of the landlord. We rang the door bell and knocked on the door and still no one answered. We finally talked to her neighbor and asked for landlord's number. We called the guy but he couldn't do anything unless we called the cop. He said may be she was out celebrating Valentine's Day with her boyfriend. That moment I wish she just having a secret boyfriend and not telling any of us. The landlord also asked if we smelled something funny. I almost broke to tear on that thought, but I did know I didn't smell anything. My friend and I sat there and debating if we should call her brother about calling the cop. We finally figured we will wait for one more friend to show up and gave some input. The wait was killing both of us. We changed our mind and went to another friend's house to wait instead. None of us know what to do still except calling her family, but we hesitated in case it was really nothing. It was then, she finally replied to my friend's email and said she was sick and just slept thru all the noise. I swear I never swear so much in one night in my life than I did last night. Part of me was so glad she is alive and part of me was so mad at her non-responsiveness. So, Happy V-Day!

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