Monday, April 14, 2008

Warning: Cranky Coffee Addict

Almost forgot, my house-mate. It definitely is interesting to share a place with people. Especially after living by myself for 4 years. There is definitely thing I am adjusting to. Like there will be noise in the place even I didn't make any. And you have to get up earlier to fight for shower first. But it has been okay so far. At least there isn't any fight yet. And I did warn her about my morning crankiness. And she witnessed herself this morning. I concluded that she is definitely a weird person cause nobody in their right mind would be excited and enthusiastic on a Monday morning when you needed to wake up at 6am. Not even when I was teenage. In fact, Monday usually is the worst day of me. Ask my friend and he will tell you I crank him every Monday when he tried to be funny. I just had no patient. But today she was all jumpy and cheerful. I was just not in my mood talking. And I had no coffee in my system at all too. Good that she did get a clue and stayed away from me. By the end of the day, she was saying she was glad when we reached the office, there were other people in the office and I started going back to talking mood. What she didn't notice was then I had coffee in my system and I could gather myself up. I should put a warning sign in my forehead.

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