Sunday, April 01, 2007

Ready! Set! and Go?

I finally finalize most of the detail for this year mission trip from my church. That's right. I took on this role to organize mission trip for my church. I have been working with Samaritan's Purse last month to get all the detail finalized and now most of the thing is set. Now come to first of the hard part, to form the team. Every step into organizing the trip, I got more and more scared. First, I have to form a team of 15 people. My congregation has around 60 people and half of them are students. So 15 people is alot. I don't have the confidence that I am able to form a team. Second thing is we have to raise money for the project we are working on. For this particular project which is helping an orphanage to build a bakery, it is around $7000. I did gasp when I heard that number. Though it is not a lot to share among 15 people. It is still quite a bit of money. I don't know if people would be more hesitate about going. There are alot of times I keep thinking that it is so much easier if I just go by myself with any organization out there and why do I take on such a not easy role. It is hard to please everyone and people may not even be interested. There is very high possibility that the plan will fall through. Then all the work will become trash. Even like today, I prepare for awhile to do the presentation this week and since the sermon run over time, I didn't get a chance to do that. And next week is Easter special worship mean that I may even have less time to do that. And losing two weeks to recruit people mean alot cause the trip is supposed to be in July. I sent an email to all fellowships instead but I know how much attention people pay to email too. That basically mean nothing can be done much for two weeks. I know in the end it is all up to God cause I am only doing His work, but I have to admit that I am really worried how this will turn out.

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