Sunday, March 20, 2005

Driver or Passenger?!

I find that guys are the worst car passenger ever. It is as if in their gene that they don't know how to act when they are in the passenger seat. One of my friends will start touching everything on the panel as if he doesn't know where else to put his hands. Some friends will give me instruction how to drive/park and make me feel like I am taking my driving lesson all over again. Worst of all, their behavior is sexist too. They may still behave fine when they are in another guy's car. But when it comes to another girl driving, they just won't keep their mouth shut. They always have to give instruction on how to drive. I don't consider myself that bad a driver (Yes, I did scratch my car against the column in the parkade, and yes I did rear end another car...but that is beside the point!) Yet, my friends like to tell me how to drive. When I back up my car or change lane, I haven't seen any guys that won't do the shoulder check with me. Even a friend that has not been in Vancouver for awhile tell me which direction to go! Urgh! When I am in my friend's car, I never tell him/her how to drive or which direction to go. Guys always say girls talk alot and yet, they won't be quiet when they are in a girl's car! If you are sooo scared of a girl's driving, shouldn't you be quiet and let her concentrate! Or drive yourself!

1 comment:

erinator said...

sorry! i automatically shoulder check too... but it doesn't matter if i'm sitting in the front or the back or if it's a girl or boy driver! i've gotten very used to "cooperative driving" - in both senses. :) it's been my role as the front passenger to check for traffic on my side of the car for the past few years. one friend once commented on my "attention" to safe driving and even though i felt bad about not trusting his perfectly safe driving, i couldn't stop myself from shoulder checking.