Monday, March 28, 2005

The Passion of the Christ

I finally got a chance to watch the movie "The Passion of the Christ" and it couldn't be better that it was on Easter Sunday. I don't know how I would feel if I watch this before I accepted Jesus in my life. I probably will think this is a bloodly violent movie about a guy suffering. And even before I watch the movie, I thought that I heard about the story too many times and the movie probably won't touch me much. I was soooo wrong. Watching Jesus got whipped, tortured, humiliated and eventually died on a cross in order to bring us back to God, I can't be more touched. What on earth did we do to deserve his suffering and death? All we did was disobeying him and walk away from him. A friend once told me that when he prayed, he can't really say "Father forgive us though we don't deserve it". I agreed with him back then. After watching the movie, I changed my mind. I don't think we ever deserve His love. What exactly did we do to deserve another person to die for us? How great of love is that to suffer all these because of us? I can't be more thankful for Him.

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