Sunday, March 13, 2005

Potential Food Poisoning

The problem of living by yourself is that you can't buy lots of food. You can't even stock up too much food. According to the law of nature, food does go bad even if they sit in your fridge doing nothing. I think the expiry date on the package is the greatest invention of all times. They saved a lot of innocent people who lived by themselves from food poisoning. My brother once found a bottle of expired ketchup in my cousin's fridge. And he was so glad that he looked at the expiry date before putting on his food. After that day, he learnt that to survive in my cousin's house, he had to check his food very carefully. Seriously, who would imagine ketchup could go expired! Well, today I found out that I outdid my cousin. I am looking at my fridge to make sure I have drinks. For some reason, I think I should check out the expiry date because I bought those quite awhile ago. Here come the shocking part, my bottle of coke actually expired!!! Does anyone know coke actually have an expiry date? I thought those thing last forever! Apparently they don't! So I have to pour my 'expired' coke down my sink. :(


erinator said...

better yet! i have a can of mello yello that expired june 9, 2003 and a can of coke that expired august 2, 2004 sitting on my shelf at work. :)

Winter said...

one time i was buying some snack at a goceries store in a small town of China. The owner put on a new expiry sticker to cover up the expired one after I told him to drink is expired. Go figure.

erinator said...

ooooh! the veggie bars! i remember those! they were really gross. but maybe it was because they were expired...

someone at IGA was looking for them the other day and all i could do was look at them weird when they said "they're so yummy!"

wait till he tries an expired one...