Friday, March 18, 2005

Ultimate Fight between V and W

I changed my profile and my msn name today. You may wonder, what is wiwian. Well, if you work with me, you probably hear this story a million times cause some stupid people are so proud of this and have to tell it again and again. There are three parts of the story.

First of all, being born in HK means English is not my first language. I do have problem pronouncing certain words. And out of everything, I can't even pronounce my OWN NAME right! :( See, it is not just my problem. My youngest cousin can't pronounce it either (well, when he was a kid, but that is not the point). So, I blame my mom for this. Naming me something that a Cantonese speaker would have no problem saying would be great, but nope, have to be all fancy and end up embarrassing her daughter! :P

Second, one day one of the friend from work decided to switch the 'v' and 'w' on the keyboard. I didn't notice until I look down. My keyboard looks funny and then I found out he switched the key caps. So I switched my keys back. Next thing I knew, when I came back from lunch, my keyboard was acting more weird! Where the 'w' should be, it REALLY became a 'v'. It was especially not fun when I was working on a file called vector.c. That means all the functions in there started with vector!!!! I became so frustrated so I ran to my project lead and whine. He looked guilty and suspicious. Then I found out that my stupid manager heard me whining and he thought it would be cool if they really switch my keyboard key. My project lead searched online for a bit, and knew he could really do it. I screamed and yelled at them for a very long time and hence the whole office knew what happen. Lesson they learnt never ever touch my computer again. Lesson I learnt my project lead and manager are stupid! (After my change on the file, when I commit it, I manually type my commit log so every 'v' is a 'w' :P)

Last, one day my non-work friend ICQ me starting with 'wiwian'. I was like, what! You talked to which of my work friends! I start naming all my friends from work that he may know and he got very confused. Then, I have to tell him the above story and he laughed his head off and said he just thought he felt like calling me this but from now on, that is my name! :(

PS. My friend said my blog started with serious thinking and downgraded to retarded stories. I try to be deep....but...hehehe...I do have a retarded life :P

1 comment:

wiwian said...

comment from my evil ex-manager, John:

While I very much like the v/w story there are a couple of things worth clarifying:
1) Alex had pretty much nothing to do with it. It was Geordy who was changing the letters, and I suggested remapping the keys (which, really, is the brilliant part). I had to phone him from my car on the way home to let him know about this brilliant thought I just had...
2) I never considered pronunciation in the deal. We had to change "v", given your name, and I liked "w" because it was like two "v"s.

Also, I do love the fact that you were working on vector.c at the time. :)