Friday, May 20, 2005


I went drinking with some coworkers after work today because one of them is moving to Montreal. Though he will still work with us as a contractor the next while, it would be a bit different. Since he sat next to me, I figure I will go for a drink to farewell him. It turned out to be quite interesting. Though I don't hang out with that crowd that much, they turned out to be quite fun. (I do like those guys and I actually sat in the same room with them. We chatted at work and joked around, but I just hang out with other people more.) One of my coworkers is a British. He is those typical British gentleman. I do respect him because of his expertise at work. And he is a very nice person. After tonight, I adore him. He is such a funny person when he is drunk. He still acts like a gentleman, but he talked funny. I guess I just never see this side of him before. And for all those people who thinks I drink a lot, I can say out loud that compared to my coworkers, I drink soooo little!! A French, a British and an Irish can outlast a Chinese girl by a lot! I had my 2 pints of beer and started drinking water and my coworkers were still ordering after their 6 pints of Guinness. I am such a non-alcoholics compared to them!

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