Saturday, May 21, 2005

Practicing U-Turns

After making fun of my friends lack sense of direction so many times, I can't believe I was lost so many times today! I drove to my friend's house, which is in Surrey, today for her bridal shower. Not until three weeks ago, I never drove to Surrey. It is like a completely foreign city to me. Last two weeks, I has been to her fiancé's house since I am helping them to plan the wedding. Today, it is the first time I go to my friend's house. So, I took out the map to find my friend's street. I found it and figured out how to get there. With full confident, I started driving. When I got to the SE Marine Drive and Marine Way intersection, I am always not sure which one I should choose. (and seem like I always choose the wrong one ) So, of course I had to make a U-turn. Once I entered New Westminster, I started to stay alert because I had to get onto Pattullo Bridge. And getting on a bridge always make me nervous (well, probably except the bridge to Richmond ) I was driving along Columbia St and saw the bridge coming up. But I couldn't see any sign to go up to the bridge. Once I passed McBride Boulevard, I knew I went too far. Hence, another U-turn. Finally, I arrived at Surrey. I quickly followed the way I figured out from the map. Then I realized I misread her house number. It should be on the other side of Scott Road. Aiii...yes, another U-turn. So, I parked my car aside and reread the map again. I was kind of confused why her house number seem to not exist. It reached the end of the road before getting to her house number. I figured I would just drive that direction first. Once I got there, I realized I remembered my friend's house number wrong (yes! again!) It didn't get to the end of the road. In fact, it is on the next street (after I did my U-turn! ) Well, at least I have a map with me this time. Or else...hehehe

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