Sunday, May 08, 2005

Road Rage

Several days ago, when I was driving home, right before I stopped at a red light, I decided to turn left to get to the gas station because the price dropped a bit. I checked my mirror that the car behind me wasn't too close and he safely changed lane after I signaled. But that car pulled up beside me but moved a bit more out. I was thinking how come that car way passed the white line at the light and I turned my head and looked. I saw the driver rolled down his window and spit out. I was thinking that is weird. I wouldn't do that myself cause in case I didn't spit far I would make my car dirty. When it turned to green light, that driver gave me the finger. THEN I realize he was spitting AT MY CAR! I was like, that is such a wimp! If you want to give me finger because I decide to turn left last minute (and I totally didn't! He can change lane SAFELY!), give me when we wait for light. Now you gave me finger and run away! BIG LOSER! I told my friends the story during dinner. A friend said his friend once cut off a guy and when they stopped at red light, the guy behind brought out his baseball bat and smash the rear window. I always joke about having a baseball bat in my car but I never imagine really use it. Wow, may be having it in my car isn't a good idea in case one day my road rage lost control.

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